Blm nets nearly $7.2M in Utah lease sale

The U.S. Bureau of Land Management raised $7.19 million on March 26 in a federal lease sale for oil and natural drilling in Utah, Kallanish Energy reports. A total of 111 parcels totaling 148,950 acres were offered, with 90 sold in the agency’s Canyon Country, Green River and West Desert districts. Those 90 parcels covered 135,123 acres. … Read more

U.S. natgas consumption set record in 2018

      U.S. natural gas usage jumped 10% in 2018, to a record 82.1 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d), the Energy Information Administration reported. Domestic consumption of natural gas increased across all sectors in 2018, led by a 3.8 Bcf/d increase in the electric power sector, due to a combination of recent natural … Read more

Williams initiates open season for Regional Energy Access expansion

Pipeline giant Williams has initiated a binding open season, through April 8, for the Regional Energy Access, an incremental expansion of the Transco interstate pipeline. The project provides firm natural gas transportation capacity to markets in the northeastern U.S. as early as November 2022, according to Williams. Regional Energy Access is designed to provide up to … Read more

UK oil and gas production projected to grow

      Oil and gas production in the UK is set to grow over future decades, as a report published Monday by the British Oil and Gas Authority (Oga) shows higher projections than previously released offered, Kallanish Energy learns. Last year’s increase in both oil and gas production was 4%, or 1.7 million barrels of oil-equivalent per day … Read more

Tree clearing begins at possible Ohio ethane cracker site

      Tree clearing is under way at the site of a proposed ethane cracker plant in eastern Ohio, even though a final investment decision is still pending by PTT Global Chemical America and its partner, Daelim. The companies last week announced they have hired a local firm to clear 140 acres in Belmont … Read more

Eclipse, Blue Ridge close merger, change name

Eclipse Resources and Blue Ridge Mountain Resources said Thursday they’ve completed their merger, announced last August, with the melded company now known as Montage Resources Corp. The company also announced it has entered into an amended and restated credit agreement to expand its borrowing base from $225 million to $375 million and extended the maturity … Read more

Turkmenistan may be excluded from the Southern Gas Corridor

      Turkmenistan is likely to be excluded from the Southern Gas Corridor (SGC) strictly for geopolitical reasons, according to Mehmet Öğütçü, founder and CEO of Global Resources Partnership. Speaking to attendees Wednesday at International Petroleum Week in London (Kallanish Energy in attendance), Öğütçü said the SGC is “the longest pipeline built so far,” stretching … Read more

Argentina changes unconventional gas subsidy program

      Argentina’s government has decided to change the country’s subsidy program for unconventional gas development leaving projects in limbo, Kallanish Energy learns from local producers YPF and Pampa Energia. The program, aimed at stimulating investments in the development and production of shale gas, offered companies a subsidy since 2013. Specifically, companies were offered a … Read more

France studies biomass usage to deal with coal phase-out

      France is studying a project to replace coal-fired power plants with biomass generation plants by 2022, with a view to securing supply in northwest France, particularly in Brittany, Kallanish Energy reports. State-run electricity giant EDF said Monday it had reached a major milestone in the industrial implementation of the so-called Ecocombust project. The … Read more

Another bank says no funds for Arctic refuge drilling

Another international financial institution has publicly said it will not fund drilling for oil in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Kallanish Energy reports. The announcement came last week in a new susrtainability report from National Australia Bank. “As an outcome of the oil and gas sector review, we will not finance oil/tar sands extraction projects and … Read more


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