PetroChina, Rosneft leave Venezuela refining projects

      Chinese and Russian state oil companies PetroChina and Rosneft will not pay the costs of repairing and modernizing Venezuela’s Cardón and Amuay refineries for PDVSA, according to union sources. Ivan Freites, senior official of the Venezuelan Unions Federation of Oil Workers, told local newspaper El Nacional the foreign partners decided after lengthy … Read more

Venezuela’s crude exports down 27.2% y-o-y in Feb.

Venezuela’s crude oil seaborne exports dropped 27.2% year-over-year in February, as the country struggles to keep production levels from falling due to natural declines and underinvestment, Kallanish Energy learns. Data from UK’s oil analytics firm Vortexa show crude shipments from the OPEC member totaled 1.39 million barrels per day (MMBPD) last month, compared to 1.91 MMBPD in February 2017. … Read more

Developers launch EIA for Baltic Pipe gas project

      Polish gas transmission operator, GAZ-SYSTEM, and its Danish counterpart, Energinet, have started work on securing a positive Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for their proposed natural gas pipeline project, the Baltic Pipe. The firms promoting the project said earlier this week following the positive result obtained in the economic test for the Baltic Pipe, … Read more


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